At The Well

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Make a Vision Board

Dream, process, and manifest what you want in life with a vision board,  a visual representation of what you’d like to invite in. Clearly identifying our goals and translating them to something we can see encourages us  to bring  our attention to  our dreams.   And, as we learned from Rebbe Nachman, we are where we place our attention.  So, roll up your sleeves , get creative, and visually design the  life you want. Once you’ve  finished, hang your vision board somewhere you’ll  see it all the time. That way, you can bring your conscious efforts back to what you want all the time.


Poster board, Glue, Magazines, photographs, quote, Markers, colored pencils, glitter
Any other inspiring art-making materials

Optional: a picture of yourself, a vision boarding soundtrack to play while the group works.



Clearly define what you’re visioning. For example: new job, people or actions  you want more of in your life, things you want to let go of, a theme for this new  year, etc.

Open magazines, sift through old photos, and check out  any other materials that might inspire you.

Start by ripping out images and words that catch your eye. Don’t worry about whether  your attractions make sense or whether  some new word or image  “fits.” Just drift and pull out elements that call to you.  Gather a big pile of interesting things. Have fun.

Sift through your images.  Is an unexpected theme emerging? Let your creative momentum carrying you in whatever direction it wants. Throw away anything that doesn’t feel exciting.

Take your poster board and start playing with  the images you chose. Pssst, this is when your intention for your vision board begins to take shape.  Get in the flow of, and try laying out the pictures and words in different arrangements  that inspire you.

Begin to glue the images down. With each paste, feel yourself reaching for that dream.  

Adorn your vision board. Add glitter, elements from the natural world like leaves or small shells, more words, or a photo of yourself.  Make your vision board beautiful.

When everyone has finished,  pair off with someone else in your Well Circle to share boards. Perhaps explain the process of creating the board, as well as intentions and surprises you encountered. Agree on a time, and set a timer. One partner talks about her board and during that time, the other partner deeply listens. Save some time at the end and perhaps asks questions or offer reflections about what she sees in the board. After her time is up, the partners switch. Putting words to feelings and desires, and being witnessed as we express them, help us get clearer about what it is we truly want.

This last next step is very important. Hang your vision board in a place that you’ll see it all the time. The more you’re reminded of what you want to do, how  you want to grow, and what you want to manifest in your life, the more likely you will make it happen.