At The Well

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Short Meditation + Ritual for Kislev

Keeping with the themes of miracles and sleep, this month’s meditation is inspired by the Modeh Ani, the very first prayer we recite upon rising, or more accurately, the moment we lift our eyelids to the world, when we’re still laying in bed. In this prayer, we thank the Divine for bringing our souls back to our bodies. It’s a moment to pause and be grateful.

Modeh ani lefanecha melech chai vekayam, she-he-chezarta bee nishmatee b’chemla, raba emunatecha.

“I offer thanks to You, living and eternal King, for You have mercifully restored my soul/breath within me; Your faithfulness is great.”


Ritual for Kislev

What are you grateful for this morning? During Kislev, start each morning with a quick gratitude for some part of your life. Make this thankfulness a pillar for your day. Want help? Find a gratitude buddy! 

Text your buddy something you’re grateful for each day. No need to send anything else. Just “Today I am grateful for…”  Do this for the entire month, and see how it impacts your life.