At The Well

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Discover Your Inner Creator with Collage Art

By Nasya Miller

Nasya, originally from Chicago, IL, is the founder of Wide Open Spaces LLC. She is an international facilitator, educator, Life Coach and a trained Relationship Systems Coach. She believes in a world of possibilities. 

One of my biggest insecurities is feeling 'imposter syndrome' as an artist. I was an art major in college, an unconventional creative who could not draw, paint, or do any of the traditional 'artist' mediums. So, I was surprised when about two weeks into quarantine I was feeling called to collage, something I did not think I would enjoy or be ‘good at.’ Rather than overthinking it, I went for it and was amazed at how accessible this medium felt. 

I sat down with magazines and allowed my hands, heart and soul to take over. Time stopped and I found myself in a flow as I ripped, cut, and pasted. You know that ‘in the zone feeling?’ That’s ultimate surrender. I have felt the flow state before, snowboarding down a mountain, facilitating a group experience, writing, even cooking, but feeling it in a new way with collage totally caught me off guard, in the most surreal and joyful way.

At the beginning of Genesis, G-d said  "Let us make man/woman in our image, after our likeness." We, as human beings, were set on this earth with the ability to be creators and make new. Look at the structures, cities, creations we have built. We have the power to create intentionally. Art is a powerful outlet that gives us the ability to channel our role as creators, to channel complexity and create meaning through blessings, hopes, and reflections, and then let them out into the world to share with others and inspire others.

Artist Eva Vazquez says, "Images can tell a story, they transmit complexity." We as humans hold many layers of experiences and emotions and paradoxes. By using collaged images and materials, I have discovered that this process has a way of letting all of it exist together, outside of my mind, body and heart. I am creating meaning out of nothing. Collage has given me a space to process, reflect, and create meaning. Are you ready to discover your inner creator and try?

There are many ways to collage. I will share with you my process and invite you to create your own unique process.

Before You Begin

Supplies needed:

  • An array of different kinds of magazines (you can even start with 2-3.) If you don’t have magazines you can print images, use old picture books, ask neighbors, use arts and crafts supplies, and even things from nature! 

  • Tape, glue or rubber cement

  • Scissors

  • Canvas (whatever you want to collage on, I use greeting cards and sent my creations to friends)

  • The act of surrender: Let go of control and bring curiosity in.

1. Choosing your canvas

You can collage on anything! Cardboard, wood, cardstock, furniture etc... Have your canvas near so you can test images and words out on it as you create.

At first I was collaging on cardboard and then it evolved into a series of designs I am creating on greeting cards to send to friends as gifts. 

2. Choosing a subject

There are two different way to go into this process:

A. Go into this completely blank and let the images that catch your attention create the theme or expression.

B. Come with a broad theme(s) that you want to use as your starting point.

I come with a few themes in mind at a time. Right now, I am working on one about time, self-expression as a woman, nature as medicine, deserving rest, and an ode to badass mamas. These themes sparked from thoughts and conversations I have been having with new friends and loved ones.

For me, I like to be working on a few themes at the same time because when I get stuck with one I can focus on the others. If you are someone that likes to focus on one thing at a time, start with one theme.

Let the theme be broad enough to allow your body, heart and soul lead this process. This provides you freedom to process and express your emotions fluidly and have fun!

It's Collage Time!

  1. Put on some music that you can get lost in, quieting down your mind and that planner voice and bringing out your play and wonder voices. (my planner is very loud so this is a crucial step for those of us with loud planner voices.)

  2. Start flipping through your magazines looking for images and words that stick out to you. Don't think about where or when you'll use them yet, just cut those out. Look for different sizes of both words and images that intrigue you. Enjoy this time! Let your feelings and thoughts flow! 

  3. Start making piles. A pile for your images and a pile for the words. This will make it easier to go through them when you are ready to create. You can also put them in piles based on similar sizes, colors, themes or word piles.

  4. Once you have images you are really excited about, go through your pile and pick out a few of the images that inspire you the most! Choose one to be the base image that inspires the rest of your creation.

  5. Play! Continue flipping through magazines seeing what images/words pop out that enhance and complement your original inspiration. 

    • If you get inspired by words and want to create a poem, or message that becomes your base, go for it! You can look for specific words and cut words or letters out and compile your own message.

    • If you are like me, I first find the images, and then once they all come together, I create my own message to accompany the images. 

    • Try different colors and textures together, find wild images, put them upside down, put a big word in the center and design around it, no perfectionism here. Our hearts, souls and bodies lead the way! 

    • TIP: When I have a big image that inspires me, I usually look for a background texture to go behind it to build off of. It can be color or texture or theme matching.

  6. Once you have created a layout that inspires you, now it's time to glue it down and get ready to start your next creation! 

Collage has been one of my greatest teachers in learning the gift of surrender. This concept has definitely been my biggest takeaway from this entire experience, realizing that the best results actually come when I give up control and surrender to the process of trusting my inner creativity. You are a creator too, made in the image of G-d. Being in ‘the zone’ is the ultimate partnership of you and the divine/universe/G-d working together. There are some days where it suddenly all flows and there are others where I am trying to control what it looks like and am pushing against resistance and want to give up on a creation. 

The collage process has been so cathartic and has allowed me to share layered and complex thoughts happening in the world and in my own life. Having this as an outlet different than journaling or talking has brought me peace and connection. After hours of work on these pieces, I have chosen to send them to dear people in my life who inspired me, surrendering my art to share with others.

I invite you, whether you have collaged before or never in your life to take this gift and surrender to your inner creator. I invite you into a space where you can check your planning mind at the door and lean into hearing from the many other layers of who you are. Allow your heart, soul, and body to lead and create an expression of what lies deep within you. I cannot wait to see what you create.