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About At The Well


Our Mission

To enhance women’s well-being through ancient Jewish practices.


Our Vision

We envision a world where all women are connected to their bodies, spiritual practices, and community.


Our Work

At The Well works to inspire women to empower themselves, live whole lives, and lift each other up.


Our Values







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At The Well is here to support your journey to wholeness throughout every stage of your life. We are spreading the word about Jewish rituals that can help you connect more deeply — to yourself, to your body, and to community.

Our community is for all who identify as women or nonbinary, inclusive of all races, classes, abilities, life stages, religious affiliations, sexual orientations, and gender expressions. If you’re nonbinary, we have a special welcome letter for you.

We have a deep love for Rosh Chodesh, the start of each new Jewish month. This holiday is celebrated by coming together around each new moon, giving each of us space to connect, learn, and be heard. These monthly gatherings, which we call Well Circles, are a powerful path to wholeness.

Among people who have been part of a Well Circle, the overwhelming majority say that it:

  • increases their psychological, spiritual, and emotional well-being

  • offers a Jewish space where they feel they belong

  • empowers them to create Jewish rituals

  • provides support during important times and transitions

We’ve taught many people how to start and lead their own monthly gatherings, and we’d love to teach you too.

Within the first year of At The Well, 20 Well Circles formed. Within five years, hundreds more. As people like you get involved, there will soon be thousands of Well Circles around the globe, creating sacred space together!

Want to get a taste of At The Well? Join us for one of our online events or read through this month’s Moon Manual, a compilation of inspiring activities and meditations to help you tap into the spiritual energy of the month.

At The Well is led by founder & CEO Sarah Waxman and a remarkable team committed to helping women lead healthier, more holistic and enriched lives so they can reach their fullest potential.


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