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Moon Manuals by At The Well

Each new moon offers a new invitation to grow.

For thousands of years, the Hebrew calendar has followed the lunar cycles. Our limited-edition Moon Manuals introduce this ancient wisdom, with journal prompts and rituals to help you access the lessons this month holds for you.


This month’s offering is…

Reaching Toward Healing: A Moon Manual for Iyar 5783

Available free for just a few weeks!

The month of Iyar 5783 begins at nightfall on Friday, April 21, 2023. Explore healing modalities like affirmations, chanting, and outdoor altar-making with found items.


Coming next…

Making Space for Awe: A Moon Manual for Sivan 5783

The Hebrew calendar is a cycle of 12 lunar months, each beginning with a new moon. We are in year 5783 of this ancient cyclical rhythm. Join us — the power of marking time by the moon is available to all!

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