Finding Your Groove

Lauren Weinstein is a leadership coach and former consultant who still enjoys drafting process flow charts. Lauren spends her time helping people step into their full potential as a coach and in-house career matchmaker at the Schusterman Family Foundation’s Washington D.C. office.


Flow states aren’t easy to access, and sometimes getting there takes a supportive network of friends and family alike. Most of us are pursuing flow so that we can taste the sweet wine of feeling aligned with the work we’re meant to do and the life we want to live. Getting into flow also requires taking stock of where you are right now and looking at where you want to go. What do you need to get there?

Perhaps you need reassurance that your work products are vibrant, creative, and meaningful. Or maybe you’re ready to recommit to a creative project you’ve been thinking about for a while but need someone to help you kickstart those customer interviews or mock up a prototype.

Own what you need to move forward, and communicate those things to your community to ensure you feel supported during the process. Friends and family who know how to help you realize your vision can be a tremendous asset, helping you stay positive and motivated and understanding when and why you can’t always say yes to their requests.


Sivan is all about reaching your full potential

Sivan is all about reaching your full potential — it’s on you to define exactly what that means.

Hopefully, as you’ve moved through Nissan and Iyar, you’ve crossed the bridge of time, feeling a sense of renewal and restoration, and you’re now ready emotionally and spiritually to step into a place of refreshed action. Make sure to take the steps to create your own sanctuary, whether it’s a physical, emotional or even tech-enabled space. You will want to create ways to dream, track your progress, and hold yourself accountable as you set some intentions around what it is you want to create in this world. This is the perfect moment to take control of your decisions, settle into your body, tap into your wisdom, and act!

Life Flow Chart