Top 5 Fears Keeping People From Creating a Well Circle

(And How To Overcome Them!)


1. “What if I invite people and they don’t want to join?”

When you begin recruitment, keep in mind that community organizing operates on the “Law of Halves.” This means that you should reach out to at least double the number of people you would like to show up. 

2. “I’m not a facilitator.”

You don’t need any previous experience in facilitation to lead a Well Circle! Facilitating a Well Circle boils down to two choosing main things: 1) a theme and 2) an activity. Our Moon Manuals give you tons of great options to choose from! 

3. “I don’t know enough Jewish stuff.”

You don’t need to have any Jewish knowledge to start a Well Circle - really! Learning is a journey, and wherever you are on that journey is perfect. Our Moon Manuals are a great 101 on Jewish themes and traditions associated with each month. 

4. “I don’t know if I can organize a monthly event on my own.”

Good, because you don’t have to! We recommend using a rotating leadership model, wherein the participants in your Will Circle rotate as the host/facilitator(s). It’s important to establish this intention and expectation early on with the people you invite into your Well Circle.

5. “Getting people’s schedules synced sounds like a nightmare.”

We hear you; logistics can be a pain! That said, it’s normal to hold gatherings where not every person can attend. Just because someone can’t come doesn’t mean everyone needs to reschedule. We’ve got two tips to help make logistics way easier on you: 

  • In the early planning stages of your Well Circle, decide if you want to try to meet on Rosh Chodesh (the new moon), which will make it easier to choose the best date to meet. 

  • Save 10 minutes at the end of every well Circle to work out the host/facilitators(s) and date for the next gathering.

For a lot of people, starting a Well Circle can feel intimidating. When these fears arise, trust the part of you that lit up when you first heard about a Well Circle, and don’t give up! We’re here to help make this a reality with you. We have Well Circle Support Packets and Peer Coaches to give you the support and the confidence you need to build and sustain a meaningful Well Circle.