Wellness Activity: Write Yourself a Love Letter

This activity was submitted by Zo Flamenbaum, a Jersey girl gone Tel Aviv. Zo founded School of Shine, a wellness community for women dedicated to developing inner strength and infusing positive habits for happier, healthier days. Zo believes every woman is powerful in her own way – if only she learns to believe it. 


Get Creative, Get Expressive

About Love

Love. The greatest experience of all, meant to be explored every day. From best friends to lovers and everyone in between, we spend so much time and energy giving love. And sure, we women are GREAT at nurturing others; but we often forget, avoid, or neglect to do a pretty important thing: love ourselves. 

No matter your age, place, race or space, you are amazing, capable, special, wise, and caring, even if you suffer from the worldwide epidemic many women struggle to overcome: never feeling good enough.

The truth is that you are exactly enough. You are enough of everything in this very moment. You need nothing else, except of course to believe and accept your ‘enoughness’ as truth. Because once you allow these feelings to pulse from within you, you’ll find that you are, in fact, a source of powerful love. 

Today, take love into your own hands — and heart — and show some love to yourself, sister! 
You effin’ deserve it.


About The Task

When we express ourselves through writing, we get the chance to put our heart on paper. We tap into our deepness and exhale with words. 

Words are powerful. How we speak to ourselves is important and often we’re pretty nasty and mean to ourselves, in shorthand and privately inside our own heads. Writing yourself a love letter is a great place to BYOB. Yes, a bottle of wine can help you get lovey dovey, but in this case, BYOB stands for something different: “Be Your Own Bestie.” This exercise offers an opportunity to treat yourself like you would your best friend – with unconditional support and kindness.


What To Do

Get out a piece of paper and a pen. 

Complete this task by yourself or in your Av Well Circle. After you write yourself a love letter, seal these letters tight and read them at the next gathering (or at every gathering!). You could also carry the letter with you and read it whenever you need an instant boost of love. Another option: Trade your envelope with a partner and promise to mail it to each other in the next couple of months.


Writing Prompts

  • Darling dearest YOU,

  • I’m writing because...

  • I love you because...

  • I appreciate you because...

  • I am proud of you because...

  • You should feel accomplished because...

  • _____makes me feel happy because...

  • You are fucking awesome because...

  • You are beautiful because...

  • You are unlike anyone else because...

  • I’m thankful to you because...

  • What I wish for you is...

  • Let’s make a date to...


Just In Case

If you feel hesitant to write to yourself, or find this show of love challenging, here are a few ways to jumpstart your self-love.

  • Gaze into your eyes in the mirror for 5 minutes.

  • Take as long as you need to sit still and connect with your heartbeat.

  • Pretend you’re your own secret admirer. Or, channel your inner best friend.


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