Hi, my name is: Molly Zwelling


Molly is a health coach, nature lover, and mama to a 9 month old boy. She’s a native Ohioan, but has been living in DC for the past 6 years. She has a fierce passion for helping people live healthier, happier lives through wellness education and is grateful to be doing that everyday at a nonprofit serving DC's most vulnerable. Her Well Circle has been an incredibly meaningful Jewish space for her light to shine.


1. What is one of your mini pharaohs?

One of the things I’ve struggled with is my confidence around speaking while in a group. I fight these feelings, that what I have to say is not worth saying, or someone else will say it better than I could. I have grown better at managing this negative self-talk over the years, but I still have waves of insecurity.


2. What intention are you setting for the week of Passover?

My intention for the week of Passover is to practice being fully present. I often find myself looking to what is next, instead of being here in the moment.


3. What rituals or wellness practices help you follow through with your goals and intentions?

Exercise! Simple enough, but exercise gives me space to clear my head, and I get to sweat out the things that aren’t serving me, while also nourishing my physical body.


4. As we celebrate the Passover story of freedom, in what ways are you moving from narrowness to expansiveness this month?

Career-wise, I’m working on expanding my knowledge into other areas that relate to wellness - outside of my usual passion for nutrition and exercise.


5. Which seder plate food are you embodying this Passover?

Beitza-Egg! The miracle of life! Being pregnant last Pesach and being a mother now, reflecting on the gift I've been given, how it it has propelled me into another stage of my life, and what that means.



This interview is part of our Community Interview Series for Passover!
Read more of the interviews here.