Meditation For Cheshvan


Hitbodedut is an unstructured and spontaneous style of Jewish meditation. Its main goal is to develop a more personal relationship with the Divine and gain clearer understandings of one’s personal motives and desires. Hitbodedut is a solo practice, a verbal stream of consciousness conversation with God. As Rebbe Nachman encourages us, imagine the Divine Source as your best friend. Just let it out. A Hitbodedut meditation can be very cathartic, helping us uncover wounded parts of ourselves. Rebbe Nachman claimed Hitbodedut is best practiced in nature. He famously said:

When a person meditates in the fields, all the grasses join in [her] prayer and increase its effectiveness and power.

Our Hitbodedut

Find a spot outside where you are alone and feel free to begin speaking with the Divine. Open your heart and pour out your worries, sorrows, desires, gratitudes, and dreams to the higher universe. You might feel silly and resistant, but who’s watching? See if you can let your ego guard down. Feel free. And don’t forget to shout.

Personal Journal Questions:

What are your goals from Tishrei? How do you feel yourself snagging as you work towards bringing those dreams to fruition?

What’s holding you back from being your best self?

When you tried Hitbodedut, what happened? What did you notice? How did it feel?

In what ways do you experience your fullest spiritual self?

Unconditional self-love is when we can be with ourselves fully without feeling we need to change. Where and how can you bring unconditional love to yourself?